Staycation 101: How to Vacation at Home
By the time I finish surviving Summer or Christmas break, the idea of planning and going on Thanksgiving or Spring Break seems daunting. Staycation has been my motto. Today a friend asked me - begged me - to share ideas on what to do over the next break. Adding to the quick text I sent her, here are a few of my favorite staycation ideas. Note: most of these ideas work well for families with & without kids. The Start and Finish line: Libraries Ok, so Thanksgiving or spring break are not races, but my recommendation is to start and finish (by returning items before school/work start up again) at the Library. Libraries are amazing places… you don’t even need to leave your home to check out e-books and audio books. Talk about the ultimate in entertainment delivery. Everyone in the family should take out a book and read it. Yes, of course. But what about libraries that let you borrow museum passes, use Fre...